The worms man – symptoms and treatment

Bot or invasion of the infestation is the infestation of the body of pest control. Are infected by intestinal worms may every man from domestic animals, through household appliances, wash your hands, raw fish or meat. Sources of a huge amount, and then, in real life it is difficult and almost impossible to protect against helminth. Worm infestations often manifests itself in the view of the other diseases – disorders of the digestive system, reduction of eyesight, diseases of the liver and other internal organs. This complicates the process of diagnosis and the consequent ineffectiveness of the therapy given.

The adult worms may be different, each of which exist in the human body, causes the development of a particular disease or more. If the cause of these disorders are other pathogens, and not pests, healing is possible quickly and effectively. In the opposite case, the conservative therapy does not make sense, because the treatment must be directed not to the resolution of symptoms, and to eliminate the causes of source – helminths.


The main types of worms

In nature, there are about 250 species of helminths. For each of them are necessary some conditions for their existence and development. The worms differ in size, shape, and other characteristic signs. The classification of these parasites is still up to the end are not formed and approved by the scientists. The division of the worms on a territorial basis has also put in place. This fact complicates the classification of parasites.

In the countries of the mid-latitudes with moderate weather conditions it can count more than 20 types of worms that are divided into three groups depending on the appearance and form:

  • Round (nematodes);
  • Band (cestody);
  • Flat (flukes).

Each of these groups has hundreds of varieties of parasitic worms. Nematodes and flukes is more common in nature, rather than the band parasites. The human body – the ideal environment for the reproduction and growth ossiuri, and roundworms. In addition, you can often meet and trichinella. To Cestoda belong bull, pig, rat taenia, a tapeworm.

Signs and symptoms of worms man

Worms, parasites in the human body, in the literal sense of "sucking" the powers. The first signs that testify to the presence in the body of the worm, are expressed through the chronic fatigue, drastic weight reduction, the improvement or loss of appetite. Itching in the anal area it also indicates the possible contamination of the helminth.

Signs of parasite infection of the body can be symptoms indirect, specific for diseases of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract, neurosis, dermatological diseases and allergies. This can be:

  • Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, constipation, diarrhea;
  • Constant fatigue, weakness, headache, fever, drowsiness, lethargy, insomnia;
  • The structure of the hair and nails, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, rash pruritic, lunches, spasmodic cough, bronchospasm;
  • Against the backdrop of a weak immune system defeat the organism a series of infectious diseases and inflammation (acute and chronic diseases, reduced body's defenses, and he becomes an important objective for the proliferation of the microflora pathogenic and infection).

By virtue of the fact that the symptoms that indicate the presence of worms, are similar to symptoms of other diseases, rarely a time to determine the true cause of the discomfort and prescribe the proper treatment. It is full of deterioration of the human condition and possible complications, in which the parasites multiply, destroying the "favorite" of the organ and spreads throughout the body. One of the most serious complications can be an internal hemorrhage, liver failure, intestinal obstruction and others.

Diagnosis of worms in the human body

To identify the worms in the body before they were used two methods: the intubation of the duodenum and analysis of feces, urine, saliva, depending on their species to detect the eggs of helminths. These diagnostic methods were not perfect, because the most role in the study played the human factor. The results depended directly by the professionalism and the qualifications of the laboratory technician, who has done this analysis. Inexperienced specialist could not see the signs of parasites in the test material.

Science has made a step forward, and there are now more detailed and accurate methods of diagnosis of parasitic infestations – immunological research of the biomaterial, thereby providing the possibility of high-precision set the content in the blood of antibodies and antigens to different types of worms. These include:

  • ELISA (enzyme-linked enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the worms). The accuracy of the results of this method is higher than 90%. This study shows, if there are parasites and the eggs of the worms in the body, and their cycle of development and type, to which you refer.
  • ELISA tests – specially designed tests that show the body's reaction to infection by parasites. This method is not independent. Must be used with ELISA (laboratory microscopic research).
  • Serological methods (REEF, Phragmites, RAC, RAHL). These are the most commonly used methods to diagnose helminth acute phase.
  • ULTRASOUND, x-ray of the internal organs.
  • CT (computerized tomography) and endoscopy.
  • PCR – detection invasions of the body are intracellular parasites, and protozoa.
  • Bio-resonance diagnostics – research, which allows a particular characteristic of the parasites of frequencies to calculate their body at an early stage.

The modern methods of diagnosis of high risk of the results can not only recognize the fact of infecting the body of worms, but, and to define their gender, age and stage of development, which facilitates the task of the doctors and speeds up the healing process of a person.

Treatment of adult worms

The worms in nature there are many types, so naïve to believe that there is a miracle tablet to rid the body of parasitic infestations in a single appointment. Treatment of helminthiasis in adults involves a series of medications and procedures, as well as the strict observance of all recommendations of the doctor and of the rules of personal hygiene. As a remedy against worms of the individual, on the basis of the results of studies and species detected helminths.

The treatment of different types of worms will be inefficient, if the person will be treated in a, because the probability of relapse (re-infection) from nearby persons. Get rid of the worms is possible only in the case in which every member of the family or people living together with an infected person, you will need to medical exchange.

Pills from worms to man

Anti-helminth tablets may be as to the destruction of many species of helminths, common in certain latitudes, and tight-directional (for certain types of parasites). The most common medications by worms wide range of applications on the basis of four main active substances.

Each tool from the worms have side effects such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, somnolence, and other signs of poisoning the body of chemicals. In the case of the occurrence of these or other symptoms should take enterosorbent.

Drops from the worms

Drops, such as anti-helminth drugs in tablet form, also effective and easy to use. Drugs against worms in the form of drop allow you to correctly calculate the dosage, which often you can't do with tablets, because most of them are coated with a special protective sheath, to violate which is absolutely impossible. In the form of drops for the treatment of parasitic infestations are allowed the following drugs.

All drugs for the treatment of helminths regardless of the form of the release are strong toxic substances, which can not only help you get rid of pests, but also be the result of acute intoxication of the body. It is not important to self-medication, click the medication and the dosage should only specialist.

Folk remedies for worms

Not only medicines can help to bring the worms from the body. Nature thought of everything in advance and gave the possibility to the man to get rid from the pests with the help of plants and their fruits. In folk medicine, there are a lot of recipes for the treatment of infestations by helminths. Among these we can highlight the most common:

  • From mugwort – used in the form crushed into a dry powder substance or prepared the broth. The dry leaves give a strong bitterness, it is better to take with honey. To prepare the broth will need 2 tablespoons of raw pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil on medium heat for 15 minutes. The infusion is prepared as a decoction, only beer is not necessary. Alcohol tincture is prepared as follows: in half a liter of vodka, take 100 grams of dried leaves of sage, pour and set for a week in a dark cool.
  • Of tanaceto – for the treatment and prevention are used the seeds and flowers of this plant. Tablespoon of seeds tanaceto, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist until it cools down. The infusion of flowers is prepared as follows: half a glass of dried flowers, you'll need a liter of boiling water. To insist, until the potion cools down to room temperature, and filter through a gauze or a bandage.
  • On the basis of ginger, tea, raw ginger root with honey is one of the most delicious and effective methods of treatment of helminths. The preparation of this drink is simple: a tablespoon or 30 – 50 grams) fresh chopped ginger root, pour boiling water and leave to cool to the temperature of 6o degrees. The honey can be diluted in a hot drink, or simply melt in your mouth, drink the tea.
  • The infusion of dry cloves with coriander in a glass of boiling water 50-60 grams of the dry powder. An infusion should for about an hour in a warm place. You can wrap the container with a potion of hot kitchen towel.
  • Garlic – is applied in any form: boiled, fried, raw, baked. Better add the chopped garlic raw in salads and other dishes, because fresh contains more nutrients, which "doesn't like" parasites.

Unlike traditional medicine recipes of traditional medicine have virtually no contraindications and side effects, except in the case of hypersensitivity and allergy to one or the other component.

Enema worms

Besides decoctions, tinctures, and other folk remedies for self-medication also apply cleansing enema. It is believed that the efficacy of these procedures, thanks to the local action, is much higher than of the drugs for oral administration, and even if this treatment has virtually no side-effects. For enema is used:

  • Garlic tincture – pounded to a pulp of garlic, pour warm, not hot, boiled water and insist about half an hour. On a average head of garlic, take a glass of lukewarm water. You can prepare in large quantities, on condition of compliance with the proportions.
  • The infusion of tanaceto – tablespoon of dried flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, wrapped in a warm towel or put on a warm place and insist minutes 40 – 50. Use the infusion for the enema should be at a temperature of 36 – 37 degrees Celsius.
  • The infusion of artemisia dry – for the preparation will need 50 grams of the dry crushed powder leaves, pour boiling water and leave to cool. This tool is very tight, so abusing them is not worth it.

Any decoction or tincture to enema is used only in filtered form, to the no small foreign objects have not been and will not have wounded the intestines. It is not scientifically demonstrated the effectiveness of this treatment. Enema with the garlic can not only cure of the invasion, but also damage the health, such as burns of the mucosa.

Prevention of infection by worms

The parasites live in the environment and live together with the man. The risk of infection is always high. Prevention of worms – the best remedy to this situation. Do the preventive measures must be regularly, because different types of parasites have a single development cycle.

As for the treatment and prevention, held all family members at the same time. On the basis of the fact that the anti-helminth toxic drugs for the prevention is better to give preference to popular funds, as well as the garlic, pumpkin seeds, a decoction of wormwood, and also try to avoid possible sources of infestation of worms. The prior methods refers to:

  • Hygiene – wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet, public spaces and transport, before and after the intake of food, the personal use of towels and soap, bed sheets and underwear;
  • Eat only carefully washed fruits, vegetables and products of paths of the heat treatment;
  • The destruction in a residential area, in particular in the kitchen of all types of insects (mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches), which carry the eggs of helminths on the legs or on the jallais;
  • Avoid drinking water from sources that are not trusted; not necessarily need to use boiled water;
  • Prevention drug – application to anthelmintic drugs regularly to 4 - 6 months or when it is obvious the risk of infection; preventive measures, shall apply the same drugs, for the treatment, only in a lesser dosage.

The application of medication is done according to the recommendations of the doctor after the visit. After the prevention helminths, after two or three weeks, takes place a course of repetition, to exclude the possibility of the development of new parasites of the pendants above the eggs.